Friday, September 7, 2012


Welp, there goes my husband.

Thanks for nothing, pteracuda.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

sick of it

It was really exciting, at first. Chasing a deadly creature down to learn more about it. I mean, who gets that chance? (Especially when they're like Ernie and me, who actually love stuff like this. Not like this exactly. Never done this before. But stuff. You know.)

But I've really lost my taste for it. I am also tired of Mexico. I want to be safe, and I want to be at home.

Ernie is inclined to disagree, just a little bit. But at least he understands that we can't do this forever. Life will have to go on.

I'm totally, totally out. But he wants to go on tomorrow's excursion, "Just to say I did."

He can do what he wants. (This sounds like the honeymoon period is over, and I guess in a literal way that's true but we're still in love and I just would rather live with him in, you know, America.)

And wouldn't it be nice to have a normal married-person blog again?