Tuesday, July 31, 2012

jungle time???

Ernie just introduced me to our guide for the day, Manuel. Manuel 'no speak English' so that's going to be exciting.  I just want to get out there in nature! Even if we do have to wear long sleeves and extra-gross repellent. (Actually Ern would rather get malaria than wear the repellent, but I sprayed some on him anyway.)

Manuel just said (and Ernie translated) that we should see some great wild animals today. I hope I get a good picture of a monkey.


Monday, July 30, 2012

hola from Mexico!

Thanks everyone for coming to our wedding and reception! We had lots of fun (and your gifts will come in majorly handy so thanks for that). Now we're in Cancun which is awesome.

We just spent some time on the beach (hooray!). I love the white sand and the lovely water! Ernie is so good to me, always asking if I want something to drink and making sure the sun's not in my eyes too much. I may keep him around.

Tonight we're going to dinner (probably Mexican food, but I'll let Ernie be the guide -- his Spanish ought to be good for something) and tomorrow we're going to take a little trek into the jUnGle.

Should be exciting.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Let us commence with the celebration!


Guess what's happening tomorrow.

(You don't really have to guess. Everyone that reads this blog already knows.)

My dress is gorgeous, the flowers are too, Ernie showed me our first set of plane tickets (there's no beach in Phoenix so I'm guessing it's just a layover), all the food is going to be GREAT, and I'm so happy.

We're in love you guys.